TL;DR: I like the nice output from git diff better than the native diff command, but how do I convince git to let me do this for files which aren't source controlled?
I like to wrap this in a shell function I call fdiff
fdiff () {
if (( $# < 2 ))
echo "fdiff usage: pass two Files to see their DIFFerence"
echo "\x1b[100m"
echo "\t "
echo "\t > fdiff old.txt new.txt "
echo "\t \x1b[1m--- old = old.txt "
echo "\t \x1b[1m+++ new = new.txt\x1b[0m\x1b[100m "
echo "\t \x1b[36m@@ -1 +1 @@\x1b[39m "
echo "\t \x1b[31m-This is the old file "
echo "\t \x1b[32m+This is the new file "
echo "\t "
echo "\x1b[0m"
echo "accepts all options that git diff does, e.g. --word-diff -U0"
echo "\x1b[100m"
echo "\t "
echo "\t > fdiff old.txt new.txt --word-diff -U0 "
echo "\t \x1b[1m--- old = old.txt "
echo "\t \x1b[1m+++ new = new.txt\x1b[0m\x1b[100m "
echo "\t \x1b[36m@@ -1 +1 @@\x1b[39m "
echo "\t This is the \x1b[31m[-old-]\x1b[32m{+new+}\x1b[39m file "
echo "\t "
echo "\x1b[0m"
git --no-pager diff --no-index --color=always --src-prefix="old = " --dst-prefix="new = " ${@:3} -- $1 $2
Here's a more minimal version
fdiff () {
git --no-pager diff --no-index ${@:3} -- $1 $2
Breaking this down, the most important pieces are
command for git
-- $1 $2
Nice extra features.
--src-prefix="old = "
--dst-prefix="new = "
You can read about all of the possible flags that can be passed to git diff
by consulting git help diff
Example Usage
Here we'll use the following two files, old.txt
and new.txt
Basic Usage
Running fdiff
on these files produces output like this.
Diffs on words
For day-to-day usage, I find --word-diff
or --color-words
the most useful.
Summarizing Diffs
If you just want an overview of diffs, you can use flags like --compact-summary
Seeing Where Text Moved
If you're writing a longer document and you want to see where pieces have moved, you can use
. Here I'm no longer using our previous example files.
You can specify the number of lines of context (lines before and after) you want with the -U
So for 0 lines of context, use -U0
. For 10 lines, -U10
, etc. I often use this in
combination with --word-diff